„Moda este trecatoare, doar stilul ramane – Coco Chanel“

Chicken Soup for the Soul (2)


Va povesteam intr-un articol precedent de-al meu ca am inceput sa citesc volume din seria de carti de inspiratie Chicken Soup for the Soul, si anume Woman’s Soul si Mother and Daughter Soul. Cele doua carti mi-au placut destul de mult incat sa ma faca sa vreau sa citesc si alte carti din aceasta serie. Cu urmatoarea ocazie cand am cumparat supa de pui de la librarie, am ales Chicken Soup for the Bride’s Soul si Chicken Soup for the Soul: Woman to Woman – la fel ca si prima oara, am ales doua carti din aceasta serie adresate femeilor.

Mai intai am citit supa de pui pentru mirese, care, la fel ca si celelalte, mi s-a parut o carte foarte draguta si chiar mi-a facut placere sa o citesc. Si ce daca am fost mireasa demult, acum 9 ani, dar am fost si eu mireasa si am simtit ca aceasta carte este si pentru mine. O colega de-a mea de serviciu mi-a vazut odata cartea, si m-a intrebat de ce o citesc? Nu stiu de ce i s-a parut ciudat sa citesc o carte adresata mireselor, probabil s-a gandit la faptul ca am fost mireasa acum multi ani si pentru mine nu ar mai fi relevanta. Dar de ce sa nu fie – chiar daca in prezent nu fac nici un fel de pregatiri de nunta, am trait totusi magia celei mai frumoase zile din viata mea, cand am fost mireasa si am purtat rochia mea alba de printesa. Si i-am raspuns simplu – pentru ca m-am gandit ca o sa-mi placa.

Chicken Soup for the Bride’s Soul poate fi un cadou excelent pentru o prietena care urmeaza sa fie mireasa. Si spun asta nu numai din prisma faptului care este o carte pentru suflet sau ca in general lumea daruieste carti, ci ma refer la faptul ca pe prima pagina a volumului poti sa scrii numele celei careia ii este daruita aceasta carte, numele celui sau celei care o face cadou, si data cand acest cadou este primit. Cardul arata cam asa:

Presented to: ——————————

By: ———————————————

Date: ——————————————

Iar pe urmatoarea pagina mesajul autorilor cartii suna in felul urmator: “This book is dedicated to brides of the world! May your wedding day lay a foundation of lifelong commitment, love and happiness.”

Cealalata carte, Woman to Woman Soul, este o antologie de 101 eseuri scrise de femei pentru femei care au fost publicate in volume anterioare Chicken Soup for the Soul. Cartea cuprinde 101 eseuri din 28 volume publicate precedent adresate femeilor – Chicken Soul for the Nurse’s Soul, Working Woman’s Soul, Canadian Soul, Grandma’s Soul, Dog Lover’s Soul, Gardener’s Soul, Christian Woman’s Soul, Girlfriend’s Soul, Sister’s Soul, Single’s Soul, Traveler’s Soul, si alte 17 volume. Seria Chicken Soup for the Soul a publicat pana acum si alte antologii similare compilate din cele mai bune 101 eseuri din carti precedente, adresate diferitor categorii de cititori – parinti, bunici, adolescenti, iubitori de animale, sportivi, etc.

M-am gandit sa transcriu aici un scurt eseu din acest volum, unul din preferatele mele care m-a facut sa zambesc.

My Blue-Eyed Boy

The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different – Hippocrates

My dog, Harry, and I are very close. Harry, and eighty-pound Dalmatian, listens to me when I am upset, comforts me when I am blue and goes everywhere with me. He cares for no other person like he does for me, his beloved mama. Having raised him since he was an eight-week-old pup, I feel the same way about him – he is my blue-eyed boy.

One beautiful Sunday morning, Harry and I went to Central Park. Harry was running off leash on Dog Hill, along will the other city dogs, while their owners enjoyed a spring day in the park.

I was feeling down because I had been recently laid off from the job I’d held for ten years. Being in the park with Harry was one of the ways I forgot for a while that I was out of work – and that my prospects were not looking good in a tough economy.

I was standing at the bottom of Dog Hill talking to another dog owner, when all of the sudden, we heard someone shout: He peed on my leg!” I turned to look, and, lo and behold, at the top of the hill I saw a lady gesticulating at my beloved boy, who apparently was the culprit. Horrified, I rushed up the hill. Harry had never done anything remotely like this before.

When I got to where the woman was standing, I reached down quickly and grabbed hold of Harry’s collar in case he decided to do anything else untoward. The woman was bent over, trying to clean up her leg. She was pulling off her shoe because the pee had dribbled down her leg all the way onto her shoe.

We straightened up at the same moment, and for a shocked instant, we looked at each other.
“Alexandra!” she said.
“Valerie!” It was my former boss – the one who laid me off three months before.

I apologized to Valerie or Harry’s behavior, but all the way home, I laughed and laughed, and gave Harry lots of kisses and hugs. Harry, of course, was thrilled that he clearly had pulled off a winning stunt – though, fortunately, he has never repeated his performance. To this day, when I think about all of Harry’s wonderful qualities, his “revenge for mama” still makes me laugh the hardest.

Alexandra Mandis, Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul

Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul

Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Woman to Woman

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Woman to Woman

Sursa poze: Amazon



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